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National Association of Head Teachers Partner
Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Association
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency
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“I have been using BehaviourOnline with students throughout the term with great success. It gets across important points about their behaviour and attitudes.”

Francis Johnson,
Gladesmore School,
London (8th Dec 2018)



Friday, 14th February, 2025

What's New on BehaviourOnline?

Session management and more is on the way.

More exciting changes are happening on BehaviourOnline and the first should be in place late in 2009. Session management is being added, as well as student login. Teachers will also be able to produce and view data, showing the frequency of discipline problems and also keep a record of behaviour inc...
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Teacher Cleared of Attempting to Kill Boy

A teacher who struck a pupil with a dumbbell has been acquitted of attempted murder and causing grievous bodily harm with intent. Peter Harvey, 50, hit the 14-year-old with a 3kg (6.6lb) weight at All Saints' Roman Catholic School, Mansfield, in July 2009, a jury heard. The boy suffered a fra...
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Behaviour events

19/03/10 : MANCHESTER: Learning and Behaviour Disorders: Essential Information for Learning Support Assistants

Learning and Behaviour Disorders: Essential Information for Learning Support Assistants Dates: Fri 26/02/10 London London Venue tbc £215 + VAT Fri 19/03/10 Manchester Manchester Venue tbc £215 + VAT Outcomes: An increasing number of children arrive at school these days with one or more...
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Behavioural Conditions

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)

"I give the pupils instructions but she never seems to do as I tell her." Did she actually hear the instruction in the first place? Pupils have difficulty understanding spoken messages, using speech, reading and remembering instructions. When they forget spoken messages or instructions they...
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Behaviour Tips & Advice

"How can I cope with my pupils who have Asperger Syndrome?"

"How can I cope with my pupils who have Asperger Syndrome?" *BehaviourUK would like to thank Ben Good for letting us reprint his article. Ben has Asperger Syndrome and we explained to him that we wanted an article to give teachers an idea about the condition and how to help pupils in their classe...
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Behaviour Trainers/ Consultants Directory

Rob Long

Rob is a popular and well-known presenter of training days and workshops, mainly in the field of education. His skills as a provider of high quality training events are transferable. Some of the other professional groups that Rob has worked with include solicitors, nurses, dentists and social worker...
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