Age 8-11 Years
BehaviourOnline provides a gentle, clear yet effective set of tools to help introduce pupils to the standards of behaviour that you expect of them, and to reinforce the codes of behaviour that your schools seeks to instil in all its pupils.
Junior school materials are carefully targeted at pupils aged between 8 and 11 years, although experience has shown that pupils in the years either side of this age range are also able to gain significant benefit. All materials are for the pupils themselves to use to help them think about their behaviour and the consequences of their actions.
As any junior school teacher knows, children will often get their behaviour wrong and need reminding about the appropriate ways to behave. They know, too, that a quiet word with the child can often suffice, but sometimes this will not be enough and a more proactive approach is needed in order to achieve a better outcome next time.
BehaviourOnline materials targeted at primary school pupils are carefully designed to be appropriate to that age range. Content, language, layout and artwork are all selected to complement the target age group.
Many Primary schools may not have formal detention structures but there will be times during the school day when sanctions and behaviour support can be implemented and the child made to think about his/her actions. This might be at break or lunchtime or during sessions of behaviour support and with a learning mentor. Form teachers too can use the material with their pupils on a one-to-one basis or in groups.