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Our materials will help
your pupils
and choose to
behave better

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Age 8 - 11
Age 11 - 16

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National Association of Head Teachers Partner
Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Association
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency
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“I have been using BehaviourOnline with students throughout the term with great success. It gets across important points about their behaviour and attitudes.”

Francis Johnson,
Gladesmore School,
London (8th Dec 2018)


Age 11-16 Years

Age 11-16 YearsStudents within this age group can try to push the boundaries of their behaviour and question rules and expectations. When confronted by an adult, they are often unwilling to talk about why they chose to behave as they did. BehaviourOnline materials can help them in rigorous but creative ways to think through their behaviour, examine the consequences and plan better ways to behave.

All BehaviourOnline materials are for the pupils themselves to use to help them think about their behaviour and the consequences of their actions.

All BehaviourOnline high school materials are presented in a sophisticated, interesting manner carefully designed to work with the 11 to 16 ages.

Age 11 to 16 subscriptions include full access to the Age 8-11 material, thus catering to all ability levels.

Ideally, it is sufficient to simply talk with students about their behaviour but when this is not enough, sanctions or further support may be required and this is where BehaviourOnline comes into its element.

Most high schools have a formal discipline system including set detention times and exclusion/suspension protocols. Our high school materials fit well within any school’s discipline/behaviour framework, and are used by the students themselves as they re-think their behaviour. This could be informally in the class, in break time or during formal detention periods.

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