Behaviour Improvement & Key Learning Objectives:
BehaviourOnline content meets numerous behaviour improvement & key learning objectives, whilst targeting specific behaviour issues.
Developed by behaviour support professionals & educationalists, its content has been created to support a range of learning styles.
Pupils are challenged to think through their own behaviour, whilst using a range of core skills, such as: reading & writing whilst also employing empathy and comprehension skills.
Achieving Targets
BehaviourOnline helps pupils & young people to think about their behaviour and equips them with positive behaviour attitudes whilst reinforcing the school’s codes of conduct. It satisfies the requirements of the Every Child Matters objectives.
It helps them think through their interaction with others & further develop life skills that benefit both them and their school community.
Pupils develop emotional intelligence and the programme reinforces many of the aspects set out in the SEAL curriculum of social and emotional skills, PSHE & Citizenship. BehaviourOnline material satisfies the ideas and key recommendations of Sir Alan Steer’s widely applauded report on school behaviour.
- A self evaluation tool for pupils, written & developed by behaviour co-ordinators & teachers from first-hand experience.
- Completely ready-to-use and designed to work in various situations convenient to your own requirements.
- BehaviourOnline content complements positive strategies for managing pupil behaviour and helps pupils understand their school’s expectations.
- Instils greater personal responsibility & builds independent behaviour learning skills.
- Creates more considerate individuals with empathy for others, leading to more cohesive and considerate year groups.
- As part of a behaviour management plan, BehaviourOnline materials can assist with conflict resolution, learning what is appropriate for various situations and choosing better behaviour options.
- Reinforces the need for pupils to think through the possible consequences of their chosen actions.
- Fits into a school’s discipline and behaviour support framework of rewards and sanctions and the teaching of good behaviour.
- Provides withdrawal, detention, time-out, internal exclusion sessions and learning support units with positive material that is a productive use of their time making pupils think about their current behaviour difficulty.
- Provides valuable evidence of behaviour modification & development of pupil well-being for OFSTED whilst employing Self Evaluation (SEF) skills.