Saturday 5 December 2009 (10.00am-5.15pm, registration 9.30-10.00am)
Cost: £160 (includes a complimentary buffet lunch)
This conference will explore how the turbulence of the teenager years coupled with earlier adverse experiences, can leave adolescents vulnerable to deep unhappiness and the lack of ability to handle their powerful emotions. Statistics show that in the UK over the last three years, there has been a 70 percent rise in anxiety and depressive disorders in young people. On average, a teenager tries to kill himself or herself every 22 minutes. 170,000 under 18’s in the UK are taking anti-depressants. Moreover, British young people are involved in more violence, drug taking and binge drinking than teenagers in any other European country.
Presenters will address the cost to young people of living with anxiety: how you are never at ease, even if the sword of Damocles never actually falls. How you sweat the small stuff and become frightened and obsessed by what others take in their stride. How you are convinced that some awful happening is imminent. Similarly the hell of teenage depression will be addressed where symptoms can include loss of all interest, will and drive, lack of hope or pleasure in anything, self-loathing, narrow repetitive thought patterns that kill creativity, withdrawing from others and all that could nourish you, constant agitation. Presenters will then offer tried and tested strategies for prevention and intervention.
Senior clinicians and researchers in the field of eating disorders and self-harm will explore how distress hits the body, and why teenagers develop such anguished ways of being in the world. They will share their very extensive experience and modes of successful intervention, backed by theory and research. They will address the relational needs of these teenagers and ways of connecting with them to help them move on towards emotional well-being.
Benefits from attending this conference
Understand the psychology and neuroscience of teenage depression, anxiety, eating disorders and self-harm
Understand the transition from emotional pain to physical symptoms and psychological disturbance
Learn about effective intervention with troubled teenagers, who live with self-harm, eating disorders, anxiety or depression
Recognise the signs of teenage distress behind the happy face or other defence mechanisms
Discover ways of enabling teenagers to be able to reflect on and speak about their emotions, instead of moving into self abuse and/or self loathing
Moving case material of effective work with teenagers whose lives are blighted by their symptoms
Camila Batmangelidjh
Psychotherapist. Ernst and Young Woman of the Year 2006 award. Founder of the Place to Be and Kids Company, inner city charity offering education, therapy and a life-line to over 11,000 young people a year, whose lives have been affected by drink, drugs, violence, abuse or neglect. Author of the groundbreaking book Shattered Lives.
Dr Jeanne Magagna
Former Head of Psychotherapy Services at Great Ormond Street. Consultant child, adult and family psychotherapist in Ellern Mede Centre for Eating Disorders in London. Vice-president and joint coordinator of training for the Centro Studi Martha Harris Tavistock Model Child Psychotherapy Trainings in Italy. Consultant to the staff of Family Futures Consortium. Editor: Universals of Psychoanalysis and Joint Editor: Crises in Adolescence; Intimate Transformations.
Adah Sachs
Consultant psychotherapist at the Clinic for Dissociative Studies in London. Worked for many years as a psychotherapist in psychiatric hospitals, with adults and adolescents. Visiting lecturer and training supervisor at CAPP and at IATE, lectures widely on different aspects of trauma and maintains a small private practice. Member of the Centre for Attachment-based Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Co-edited Forensic Aspects of Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Janet Treasure
Psychiatrist. Former chair of the Physical treatment section of the UK NICE guideline committee. Chief Medical Advisor for the Eating Disorder Association and the Capio Nightingale Hospital. Active in research and has over 150 peer reviewed papers. In 2004 she was awarded the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED) Leadership Award in Research and was given an Eating Disorders National Awards in 2007. Edited seven academic texts on eating disorders and has authored 3 self-help books. Co-Author: Handbook on Eating Disorders and Working with the Families of People with Eating Disorders: A Systemic CBT approach
Conference Days cost £160.00 (all include a complementary buffet lunch).
Training Days cost £125.00 (lunch not included)
Half-Day Lectures cost £60.00
Courses please see individual course information
Payments can be made by credit/debit card or cheque
Credit/Debit card payments
Please telephone 020 7354 2913 to make a booking by credit/debit card (£5.00 reduction for bookings by credit/debit card, if you wish to be invoiced discounts don't apply.)
No tickets or confirmation will be issued until payment of invoices are received in full. It is the responsibility of the delegate to ensure payment is made prior to attendance of the event.
Please make cheques payable to ‘The Centre for Child Mental Health’ and send to: The Centre for Child Mental Health, 2-18 Britannia Row, Islington, London N1 8PA
All bookings to be paid in full. WE REGRET THAT ALL BOOKINGS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. At the discretion of The Centre, it may be possible to transfer to another event provided a minimum of 7 days notice is given. ALL DELEGATES MUST BE NAMED (if not possible at time of booking, please ensure delegate names are supplied two weeks prior to the chosen event)
For more information and to book, contact direct:
The Centre for Child Mental Health
2-18 Britania Row
London N1 8PA
Tel. 020 7354 2913
Fax. 020 7704 0171